Sunday 29 July 2012

7 Things for 7 Days

The ‘7 Things for 7 Days’ feature is the wonderful idea of the lovely Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter. I discovered this when reading her blog and decided to join in myself. Louise’s original post can be found here. It’s Louise’s way of spreading a bit of positivity and making blogosphere a little bit more interactive. You can make any goals you like, big or small, serious or silly! I’m a bit geeky and enjoy making lists so this really appealed to me.  

Write – I am really enjoying blogging, I love having my own little space on the Internet to call my own! I want to keep a little time aside each day for writing posts, taking photographs and reading other blogs!

Eat – My little brother stayed at my house for the first week of the summer holidays and I made the most of having him here and had Pizza Hut and McDonalds…yummy but certainly not healthy. This week, I am aiming to eat healthily – plenty of homemade salads and meals.

Exercise – As above really, I want to get fit and lose weight/tone up. I am going for a spa day in September as part of my birthday celebrations and want to feel comfortable frolicking around in my swimsuit/robe combo!

Visit – My partner and I are going to visit his family next weekend, it’s a 4 hour drive from here on the boring motorway but it will be worth it so see everyone.

Make – I have some craft bits sitting around in a box that are crying out to be used, I am planning on making something I can hang on the currently bare looking wall in the living room.

Clean – There are a few odd jobs around the house that I need to stop complaining about and actually do, they won’t take long and I should stop making excuses and do them!

Learn – Despite being a bit of a beauty lover, I’m still very much a beginner when it comes to applying makeup and styling my hair. I’m in a bit of a rut so I’m going to head to the fountain of knowledge that is YouTube and get some inspiration/tips!
Buy – I love Christmas but it’s a super expensive for me, not only do I have presents to buy, there are a few birthdays in December to buy for too. If I start shopping now, I will have spread the cost and hopefully won’t have to do a mad dash round the shops on 24th!

So that's my list of objectives, some are long term, some are quite fun but overall I think they are all achievable. I am looking forward to having something to focus on and look forward to updating next week!

 Do you have any goals you want to achieve?


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